Ryan McKenzie教授学术报告会
应地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室陈唯副教授邀请,香港大学Ryan McKenzie教授来我校访问并做学术报告。
报告题目:Volcanoes, Mountains, & Climate: Assessing tectonic influences on the long-term carbon cycle
McKenzie博士2006年于University of California, Los Angeles获得学士学位,2012年于University of California,Riverside获得博士学位。他2012-2014年在University of Texas at Austin任Jackson杰出博后,2014-2016年在Yale University任Flint博后。2016年,McKenzie博士被US National Academy of Sciences & Kavli Foundation选为Kavli会士。他于2016年加入香港大学地球科学系至今。McKenzie博士在Science,Nature Geoscience,Earth and Planetary Science Letters,Geology等杂志上发表论文16篇。
Earth has transitioned between cold climates with extensive ice sheets (“icehouses”) and warm climates devoid of ice caps (“greenhouses”) throughout its history. Variation in the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is thought to drive these shifts in baseline climate state. On multimillion year time scales atmospheric CO2 is contolled by the long-term carbon cycle whereby volcanic outgassing provides the major flux of CO2 into the atmosphere, and silicate weathering removes it. Whether these climate tranistions result from changes in the carbon output of sources or the efficiency of sinks remains a topic of debate. Here I use large detrital zircon geochronologic data compilations to explore how global volcanic outgassing has varied with respect to major climatic shifts. Similarly, I investigate the influence of global weathering processes by assessing the paleogreographic distribution of continents, large igneous provinces, and collisional belts in deep time. From these observations I will discuss the relative contributions of forcings responsible for changes in Earth’s baseline climate state over the last ~2 billion years.